designed with your business in mind

Fractional IT Management

As a working group of trusted professionals who understand all aspects of the market, we are the go-to source for Fractional IT Management skills and services across London and the South East.

Why choose a Fractional IT Manager?

Fractional IT Managers offer all the advantages of a full-time IT Manager, but are only used as and when required. A Fractional IT Manager is hired by a company to help manage a specific project for the business and specialises in that field.

Fractional IT Specialists offer a cost-effective solution for instances where the business can't, wouldn't or shouldn't choose to invest in a full-time IT Manager. We bring immediate knowledge and skills gained from a wide range of customers and the ability to manage the implementation of your project or solution - perfect for Start-Up scenarios, or if the business is undergoing rapid levels of change. Ultimately, we’re here to help you to focus IT delivery on the things that matter most to your business today.

Fractional IT Director

Could you have the equivalent of a full-time IT Director working for a fraction of the time? Absolutely! Our Fractional IT Directors take on the role of IT Director in full. However, whilst they share the job description, roles and responsibilities of a full-time counterpart, their time will be divided between you and other clients.

It may help to think of Fractional as simply meaning “efficient”. You get the same level of service with a Fractional IT Director, but with less time. With a dedicated vision or project, this structure drives us to focus on delivery, efficiency and results.

Fractional IT Director or Contractor?

Work with us and you will find that our Fractional IT Directors work as an extension of your IT team and are committed to your mission. A Contractor tends to come with a standardised approach to a project and may limit the scope of their work to avoid accountability. Taking responsibility from project inception through to delivery, we put your business first,

Fractional CISO

Fractional CISOs are the perfect solution for businesses that need an independent, strategic and consistent approach to their cybersecurity, but don't have the resources or time to fully staff a full-time CISO.

Fractional IT Security gives you more

Budget isn't always the deciding factor when it comes to IT Security. Given the choice of a full-time CISO, a Virtual CISO or a Fractional CISO, you want to know which cybersecurity approach will best protect your organisation against cyber-attack.

We offer the best of both worlds- Our customers choose to work with Fractional CISOs as they provide businesses with the same level of comprehensive security oversight as a full-time CISO, with a scalable way to increase their overall cybersecurity posture, in the same way as outsourcing to a virtual team.

As a business, we understand that continuity of service from a CISO is critical, so offer tried and tested procedures for ensuring coverage and support to your business.